Demolition Begins at The Port Lands

3 August 2021

Demolition began this week at The Port Lands!

The Akwesasne Harbour Development Corporation and the Cornwall Harbour Development Corporation successfully awarded the tender for the demolition of the warehouse building at 580 Harbour Road. This represents an important first step towards the re-development of the Port Lands property. The warehouse served as a storage facility since 1992 but has been vacated since March of 2018. The project was put to tender on June 3rd and awarded July 13th. Work has now began, and a project completion date of September 18th 2021 is estimated. This project was a joint effort to ensure that the standards of both the City of Cornwall and Mohawk Council of Akwesasne procurement policies and procedures were appropriately implemented and evaluated.

The warehouse building itself is in a condition that does not lend itself to re-building or redevelopment and has recently become the site of multiple break ins, vandalism and disruption. It was determined the best course of action would be to remove the structure and alleviate these issues to enhance enjoyment for the community who access the area and the nearby residents.